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    • Shanghai Jingxin Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

         TEL:021-57790908     021-57790918     021-33886881


         Market and complaint mobile phones::13817395139


         Address:Room 301, 3rd Floor, No. 40, Lane 5, Caonong Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai.China

    • More phone calls

      For more sales contact information for provinces, cities, and regions, please refer to the phone numbers of the major offices at the bottom

    • East China Office (Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian)

        Person in charge: Manager Zhang : 18616236297

         Shen Gong (Southern Jiangsu): 17721048042

         Zhang Gong (Fujian): 13020146659

    • East China Office (Zhejiang)

          Person in charge: Manager Xu 13162757046

          Yu Gong (Scientific Research): 15921069374

          Li Gong (Government): 15000734059

    • North China Office (Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin)

          Person in charge: Manager Meng 13331958863

          Wang Gong (Beijing): 18217045813

          Qi Gong (Beijing): 18019110254

          Dong Gong (Inner Mongolia): 15921663279

    • South China Office (Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou)

          Person in charge: Manager Qi 15216655373

          Zhong Gong (Shenzhen): 13761287917

          Liu Gong (Guangxi): 15921243315

          XCMG (Guizhou): 18184588633

    • Henan Office (Henan, Shanxi)

          Person in charge: Manager Li 15902194487

          Zhu Gong (Shanxi): 15157042821

    • Anhui Office

          Responsible person: Manager Wang

          Tel: 13262752227

    • Hubei Office

          Manager Li (scientific research): 17317817458

          Manager Xu (Government): 19145702281

    • Hebei Office

          Responsible person: Manager Meng

          Tel: 13331958863

    • Northwest Office (Shaanxi, Ningxia)

          Responsible person: Manager Yan

          Tel: 17821931915

    • Shandong Office

          Responsible person: Manager Liu

          Tel: 18049990362

    • Gansu, Qinghai, Tibet Office

          Responsible person: Manager He 13002189135

          Tel: 13002189135

    • Southwest Office (Chongqing, Sichuan)

          Responsible person: Manager Li

          Tel: 15800537310

    • Xinjiang Office

          Responsible person: Zhang Gong

          Tel: 13061871352

    • Central China Office (Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan)

          Responsible person: Manager Ye

          Tel: 13052186946

          Huang Gong (Hunan): 13122971850

          Zhang Gong (Yunnan): 13122971850

    • Northeast Office (Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin)

          Person in charge: Manager Shao 13310021316

          Zhang Gong (Jilin): 15901710045

          Dong Gong (Heilongjiang): 15601812715

    • US Office

          Responsible person: CAN CAO

